Sunday, August 13, 2006

Isagani Cruz is a Dumbass

To be more specific, he’s a homophobic dumbass.

Now I don’t normally resort to labeling people that way, but his recent offensive tirade against gay people warrants it. It’s one of those instances when you just get stunned to discover that such a respected, educated person could spew such hateful bile against people who haven’t done him any real injury. But even when this isn’t the first time he wrote about his dislike for gay people, it's still surprising. In April 2003, he devoted a column to the subject, which partly bemoans the effeminate gay hosts of two morning TV programs (he suggested that they should just “engage in less irritating work like dressmaking and hairdressing”), as well as the increase of young openly gay students (“as if homosexuality has become an epidemic”). He questioned the “preferential treatment” of homosexuals in the entertainment industry, too.

Basically, that 2003 column was a confused commentary on gay people and the lifestyle; it pointed out that, for him, it’s okay for a person to be gay as long as he didn’t cross-dress or act effeminately. I sent a strongly worded letter then about that horrible column, which I hope was forwarded to him. I’m sure he got emailed by others about it, also. But he’s at it again.

After reading his most recent anti-gay sentiments, I shuddered. My hands, still holding the newspaper, were shaking. He started it by calling those who gave the visiting “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” hosts a favorable reception “impressionable”. Then he continued with a disclaimer of sorts, a supposed apology to “reserved and discreet” members of the community. What followed were, again, mixed signals, awful assumptions, and awkward generalizing. He ended it with:

“Must we allow homosexuality to march unobstructed until we are converted into a nation of sexless persons without the virility of males and the grace of females but only an insipid mix of these virtues? Let us be warned against the gay population, which is per se a compromise between the strong and the weak and therefore only somewhat and not the absolute of either of the two qualities. Be alert lest the Philippine flag be made of delicate lace and adorned with embroidered frills.”

I decided to text a few of those in my phonebook who are vocal about gay issues, and gay sympathizers. I wish I could’ve texted and informed more people about it, but, as if on cue and to add to the drama, my load ran out.

Anyway, UP professor Eric Manalastas reacted, “I saw. And interestingly, he had a little pre-apology to ‘decent’-acting gay individuals. Classic sign of prejudice, the ‘I’m not biased, but…’ argument.”

Old classmate and active Library Foundation member Glenn Cruz (no relation to the columnist), commented that he read it and he knows which school the guy was referring to, while Atty. Angie Umbac of Lagablab said that Danton Remoto, Rainbow Rights and Leap Inc. will be issuing statements regarding this matter.

Angelo Morales of Icon asked if I could write a counter-article. Busy Carl Vergara also texted back and promised that he’d check it out. Not long after them, Margie Holmes SMSed, “I have cut it out to discuss in my Soc Sci class. I’m glad (the gay groups) will issue a statement!”

Ian-Bluefur summed it up nicely: “Can you PLEASE tell Isagani that THIS pansy would love to meet him for an opportunity to punch him in the face? I’m fucking serious.”

It’s scary to think that there will be people agreeing with Mr. Cruz’s unbelievably judgmental and hurtful points. But really, is it too late for him to understand the complexities of gay people, that there have been, to use his word, “macho” men screwing other men unbeknownst to him, even back when he was a kid? Is it too late to reason with him, and is he really just an old fart who can’t accept that the world now isn’t the one that he fondly remembers? Well, unless Mr. Cruz issues a real apology or an admission that he had been unduly harsh and extremely prejudiced, he’ll still be an offensive craptard in the eyes of many, regardless of their sexual labels.


glenncruz said...

“engage in less irritating work like dressmaking and hairdressing” -- gosh, ive forgotten about this already! actually i restrained myself for being hateful when i read the article yesterday morning. what i thought was, "what is this old fart up to now?" and i also thought this guy is just spewing heterosexist catchy turns of phrase just to be famous...

OLIVER said...

Hey Glenn! Well, he was deliberately hurtful whichever the case. I hope people don't let him get away with it.

jactinglim said...

If he wants to be famous by sounding like Nazi scum who insists that the way people act should be dictated by outdated gender biases then he's just making making himself famous by being stupid :)

People should never be forced to act, think or express themselves in any certain ways only because it's what's expected of their gender.

OLIVER said...

Hi Jac! Yep, "stupid Nazi scum" fits, too. He considers the "gay population" a threat. And he wants them to conform to his twisted notions of reality.

rmacapobre said...

t’s okay for a person to be gay as long as he didn’t cross-dress or act effeminately

in other words, he is a bigot .. i am smelling religion in this. is isagani cruz a born again cretin este i mean christian?

OLIVER said...

Don't know if he is. But he wants to uphold "traditional" values, whatever they may be.

Unknown said...

We're a "compromise between the strong and the weak." ??? What's that supposed to mean? I've always thought of us as the best of both worlds. And, I've always believed that everyone regardless of gender is capable of strength and frailty when the circumstances call for it.

Is he going to take flak from having the guts to actually label the girls as WEAK?! Lagot sha sa Gabriela! Wahahaha

Personally, I'm hurt. But, then, I've been hurt most of my life by the traditional worldviews of those in-power and those of-influence. And, we've grown strong as a result of all our struggles. Those who might have read his ramblings will realize that his words are no longer relevant. They are merely a squeak from the signs of past times.

The queer eye is here to stay for any one who will find value in whatever the queer mouth will share. My queer self remains.

Vin said...

Thaks for bringing texting me about this Oliver.
It's sad when people with narrow minds are allowed to reach a wide audience. He was hurtful and absurd at the same time.

I initially wanted to laugh it all off as the rantings of a delusional old man, but he is read by so many people. Grrr.

OLIVER said...

Hi Ari. I don't understand his weird logic, either. As evidenced, he only sees gender identity issues as black and white. He has no inkling what's been going on in the real world, even when he was young.

Yup, if anything, his rants should empower more gay people to speak up against him and similar people.

Thanks for visiting, and sharing that! :)

Vinnie, thanks also for writing about it. Yeah, he's read by many, but I hope people will see through it and recognize his pathetic attempt at belittling people that are different from him.

I'm glad that our friends have been writing and speaking out about his outrageous garbage in their blogs, too. :)

Gerry Alanguilan said...

oh man... i sent stuff to him for review. i now wish I hadn't... and I now wish he wouldn't.

i really wouldn't want to be associated with him now in any way...

Gerry Alanguilan said...

I just read Dean's blog. It looks like I confused one Isagani Cruz for another Isagani Cruz. oh man....

OLIVER said...

Oh, okay. If you gave it to the older one, the retired judge, he'd probably freak out if your gay chicken character comes out of the closet. Hehe. :)

slim whale said...

this old fart must've been stuck in the middle ages.

OLIVER said...

Yup. Still is.

PDI issued a statement against it daw kanina sa ANC, but we don't have that channel, sayang.

Hey Slim, mag-blog ka na uli! :)