Friday, October 28, 2011

Age Difference

It’s that time of the year when I reflect on my life again, at least more than usual, since I’m going to be older again soon.

I’m still discovering the difference between growing up and growing old, but more importantly, I’m learning the importance of knowing when to be accepting, and when to be defiant.

I’m still not a religious person, and I don’t claim to know everything. That’s just how I am. It still irks me when some people preach “enlightenment” to me or claim that their gods are speaking through them. You have beliefs, fine. But don’t tell me I’m doomed because I don’t have or want the same belief system.

I still consider myself lucky to be living in this particular age. Art can be seen quicker, information is mere clicks away, and communication is much easier. Everything’s become files on different formats. But I consider myself fortunate that I’ve been exposed to traditional, old school disciplines as well.

I know how heartbreak feels. You get over things and move on, eventually, because you don’t really have a choice sometimes. But pain can be fuel, and you’ll realize sooner or later that you should cherish and enjoy what you have.

I continue to be grateful. I’m glad that I can both write and draw. I’m glad that after writing for work, I can relax my mind by switching to artist mode, which allows me to use a different set of instincts. I’m glad that I constantly learn new things, whether it’s a technical ability or information that I can use later.

I’m thankful for my loved ones and real friends, generous people who are just there to inspire and teach me. I don’t know if I contribute anything to their lives, but I thank them for bearing with me and my temperaments. I also thank my bosses, who trust me enough to do the job.

I prove myself every day. I can say that I continue to work hard. I didn’t have opportunities handed to me by influential relatives. I didn’t sleep with anyone to land a job. I didn't destroy anyone to accomplish my goals. I always wish I could be better at the things I do, but I also congratulate myself when I feel I deserve it. It’s healthier that way.

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