Sunday, December 23, 2012

Recycled Revelry

Status updates, compiled.
Dec. 17. Muuuuusssst... transcribe... aging phone interview...
Dec. 18. I don't watch Gossip Girl--I only got to see half of the first season, I think--but I love the finale's revelation that _________ is actually G.G.
Dec. 20. Pre-Christmas traffic is hateful.
Dec. 21. Wonder how the next X-Files movie will address the December 2012 doomsday prophecy. The show established it as the long-scheduled arrival of alien invaders.
Dec. 22. Rereading Alan Moore's Top Ten, five years after I lent the issues to a friend. Still a great read. Love Gene Ha's ultra-detailed art.
Dec. 22. Just saw Taylor Swift's I Knew You Were Trouble video. Not bad, it's actually darker than the imagery in my head when I first heard the song. I was actually hoping for a brighter, less story-centric video, complete with tight choreography. Yeah, I know next to nothing about dancing, but it was there, so clear in my head. Well.
Dec. 22. Met interesting, genuinely nice people this year, but also met people I should be wary of. 

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