Sunday, July 14, 2013

Slow the Circles Down

Seasons going round and round, et cetera.

July 9. I need a drink. And pizza.
July 9. Aaaand there's a downpour. Great.
July 9. Nauwi sa luncheon meat ang craving. Pwede na... for now.
July 11. Finally ate a few slices of pizza earlier. Tasted meh. Anyway, I got the usual Bodhi combo meal at the mall. The viands were fakemeat asado and nuggets with rice, plus pancit. Found out later that my mom bought me the exact same thing.
July 12. My Husband's Lover. After much eyerolling at the characters--which are quite likeable, by the way--I was pleasantly surprised at the sudden turning point. Finally. That's more like it.
July 12. Pacific Rim. So much fun! Glad that Charlie Hunnam's transitioning nicely to the big screen. And Charlie Day as a science geek! Who'da thunk?
July 13. MHL. Applause. Now we'll see if they have stories left. Be a shame if they don't milk it.
July 13. Assorted Miniatures: Krackel>Hershey's Milk Chocolate>Mr. Goodbar>Special Dark. But I'll eat them in any order.
July 13. Sometimes plagued by self-doubt, but I believe enough in my art to say "f*ck it, I'm doing it!"

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