Sunday, December 29, 2013

Rest, Revelry, Reassurance

Status updates, compiled.

Dec. 9. Escaping before dreamtime. #liquidfreedom
Dec. 9. Compartmentalizing feelings for... stuff... tricky but essential.
Dec. 10.Too tired to attend Hobbit screening. Must get some sleep.
Dec. 11. I'm 40. I like things that I've always liked and never stopped at those. I don't need to conform with what "most people my age" do, or like, or believe in. And I've always hated hive mentality, even when I was much younger.
Dec. 11. There's a mug on my desk; dunno if it's a gift or someone just left it. #clueless
Dec. 11. Third month. Loving it. #actuallyemployed
Dec. 11. Rusty old dumbbells. Icky, but they'll do. #notdrinkingtonight
Dec. 12. Indie Bravo ceremony done! Congrats to the honorees. And congrats to us, Entertainment team!
Dec. 14. Kape, tumalab ka na.
Dec. 17. Bought the thick Life with Archie TPB that has the Kevin Keller wedding last night. Five extra-sized issues. #yaycomics
Dec. 16. Craving a burger. Or anything with cheese. #carnivore
Dec. 17. Got a call from Wil, an old friend who just routinely vanishes, goes incommunicado, then resurfaces years later. Nice hearing from him.
Dec. 17. Insufficient caffeine intake. Sleepy. Oh, my dad said he liked something I wrote. That made me smile.
Dec. 17. Note to self: You need to sleep. Get some effing rest.
Dec. 17. Have yet to watch Smaug. Finally saw Frozen, though. Love it.
Dec. 17. Uncondi-SHO-nal. Ugh. #malingstress #gandavideothough
Dec. 18. This place feels like school. In a good way. And, we get paid. #thankyou
Dec. 19. Note to self: That's enough booze for tonight, late bloomer.
Dec. 19. Feeling sick. Gotta fight it.
Dec.20. Man, that tough teacher in Awkward was Anthony Michael Hall? Whoa.
Dec. 20. Drowsy. Sneezed seven times in a row. #poorfloor
Dec. 21. Got a nice shirt from Jaycee and Gavin. Thanks nga pala sa siopao and dumplings, Allan. Sarap.
Dec. 22. Stuck in traffic yesterday, Dad and I sang along to "I've Never Been to Me." #undressedbykings #subtlewhoring
Dec. 23. Thursday and Friday issues done! Yay, team! #xmasvaycay
Dec. 24. Suddenly, it's Christmas eve. Have fun, people, whichever holiday you celebrate. #peaceonearth
Dec. 24. Cool that two other people from the office finished Advertising Arts at UST.
Dec. 27. Dad's a non-practicing chemical engineer. In the car, he rambled about freon and hybrid cars. All I could say was "Ah." And "Okay."
Dec. 27. ♫♪ You don't know the power that you have with that tear in your hand... ♫♪
Dec. 28. A couple of issues done. Yay, Entertainment team!
Dec. 26. Finally got to watch the sixth season of Doctor Who. Man, that rescue-revenge mission in the "A Good Man Goes to War" episode was so epic, I was in tears by the end of it. Just scene after scene of utter coolness.

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