Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm Seventeen, Been Through It All

Boys do fall in love. Or something.

Lookit that. I was a barely legal college “jock.” And I had cool hair. That jacket was from my senior year in high school. It must’ve been cold and rainy back then; otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered bringing it. I didn't wear it often.

The cropped pic below, meanwhile, was taken during a family gathering, Medya Noche, if I’m not mistaken, back in the day. Ah, the era of the instamatic camera, a time when people actually put their one-hour developed, matted pics in actual plastic-sleeved albums. Found these two pictures in separate ones a few days ago. I kind of missed how light I must’ve been, and how I was able to get away with a lot of mistakes back then. But only briefly.

This second pic below (click on image to enlarge) was taken a few months after the one above, and I distinctly remember that it was one of the worst years of my life, but my personal deus ex machina came just before it ended. So I’m looking kinda relieved, albeit less innocent, in that picture. Still, things were much, much, simpler, and I kinda miss that sometimes, but again, only fleetingly. I’m stuck in the here and now--make that happily stuck in the here and now--where people who matter prefer me as I am.

I like my old hair, though. I got into new wave just a year before, and I must’ve emulated some of the bands’ hairstyles subconsciously. Also, I know I only wore that in the house, but my god, the shorts.

I was amused for hours two nights ago, just looking at a bunch of college pics, as well as those from my “lost” years, eras in my life that felt like a blur, for one reason or another. I remember voices out of those photos, familiar words that resurface and romanticize the good times. And, as I was looking back, I wonder what other people I know now must’ve been doing back then, and how their lives were unfolding, parallel to mine.


rmacapobre said...

who wants to be a super hero

if i were to create a super hero, just like this new show im sure every geek is excited about. i would have a heroine who can project and absorb emotions. her name is Sentiment Roux (pronounced songtimong - or song for short). she can make everyone cry and laugh at the same time. the effects are all temporary. she needs line of sight to be able to do it. and it takes a lot of toll when its done en masse. her weakness is if shes around crazy people. she automatically absorbs the craziness and she becomes temporarily crazy too. meaning she is susceptible to reinfect people are around her. it takes a month for her to recover from an attack. her victims are luckier as they recover as soon as she leaves their presence. shes a councilor at the university of marseille, france. she is african descent. she speaks french, arabic, and bit of english.

OLIVER said...

Hmm, interesting idea, Max.