Monday, April 07, 2008

Just Some Justice Leaguers

Charms of Orion

If you’re getting just one figure from Mattel’s DC Universe toy line, this has got to be it. Orion is excellently sculpted and painted, has a removable and intricately done harness-glider accessory, and is proof that fully poseable action figures needn’t have unsightly ball joints connecting the thighs to the torso to work.

Hawkgirl of your dreams

In the last five years, Hawkgirl became an official Justice Leaguer twice, specifically in Joe Kelly’s and Brad Meltzer’s runs. The latest DC Direct Hawkgirl figure from the JLA set is good; it’s sexy, sleek, elegantly painted, and has cool accessories (the mace, removable wings, and yeah, a small Starro starfish!). It’s a good addition to anyone’s Justice League collection. Place her beside your Hawkman or Red Arrow, and create some good old fashioned sexual tension.


Ian Orendain said...

Congratulations on finally getting a Hawkgirl for your collection. I kept an eye out for a JSA Hawkgirl for you but no luck.

Orion is also what I got from Series 1, but I'm waiting for a variant Red Tornado. From Series 2, I got the Scourge of the Seven Seas....BLACK MANTAAAAA! He's so cool in his lameness!

OLIVER said...

Hey Ian,

No problem!

Black Manta looks good, actually.

Wow, you and Chris are bloggers now! So cool.