Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Clark Kent’s Glasses, He-Man’s Tan

Yes, Superman met and briefly fought He-Man in DC Comics Presents # 47, back in 1982. The issue came out about a year before the Masters of the Universe cartoon, and some time before the first popular action figure line debuted, so there are notable differences in character details.

However, in the separate continuities of the cartoon series, the mini-comics that came with the action figures, and this old DC comic book, one thing is the same: Prince Adam of Eternia is secretly the mighty warrior He-Man.

Like Superman, the Eternian has a flimsy “disguise” that protects his other identity. His skin may have magically bronzed a little, but his features are still Prince Adam’s. It’s like Clark Kent’s glasses. It’s actually silly and funny when their close friends can’t tell, for some reason.

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