Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Code Name Queries

My nephew saw two drawings that I was finishing (check out the new post, “Birds of Prey Vs. Lady Liberators”), and asked me a couple of questions.
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Nephew: Why are they all boobs?

Me: ‘Cause they’re all girls.

Nephew: Are they the Girl League?

Me: They’re the Birds of Prey and the Lady Liberators.

Nephew: (points at She-Hulk) She’s Veggie Girl.

Me: That’s She-Hulk.

Nephew: (points at Hawkgirl) That’s the Bald Eagle.

Me: She’s Hawkgirl.

Nephew: (points at Storm) Is that lady really old?

Me: No, she just has silver hair.

Nephew: (points at Oracle, notices arnis sticks) Is she called Drum Girl?

Me: She’s called Oracle. She used to be Batgirl. But she can’t walk anymore. She’s on a wheelchair.

Nephew: Why? Did she slip on a bug?

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Yeah, he’s quite creative, that kid. It must be something he picked up while watching cartoons. I didn’t elaborate on how Batgirl lost the use of her legs anymore, because the circumstances are difficult to explain to a kid.

I was drawing on Bristol backing boards. He asked which side I was using, and I said it wasn’t the shiny side, because the ink can smear on that surface. He told me that he knew that. He asked how I could fit all those characters into the space, so I replied that I drew them in pencil before inking and coloring.

The kid’s smart and already a good artist. I hope he keeps getting better.

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