Monday, September 17, 2012

Discord and Rhyme

Snappy updates and minutiae.
Sept. 12. Oh, Taylor Swift. I don't really care who you're dating or who broke your heart for the nth time, but keep 'em catchy songs coming.
Sept. 12. Finally watched Paranorman. I think there were less than ten people in that last screening. I enjoyed it; it's pretty gloomy and gruesome. But it's also cute, and a surprisingly thought-provoking pre-Halloween treat.
Sept. 12. Baffled that some people from school have become overzealous, judgmental parrots.
Sept. 12. Rearranging stacks of comics. I keep stopping to look at those old Mutant Massacre issues. The Marauders are still fricking scary!
Sept. 14. Two different preachers handed leaflets, 20 minutes apart, in a jeep and in a bus. They pretty much had the same message of guilting you into giving some of your hard-earned money for their "mission." The second one even sang; she sounded like a gargling robot. Neither paid for their fare.

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