Monday, October 01, 2012

Chronal Credibility

Some status updates.

Sept. 23. Wondering about Starburns' story.
Sept. 23. Wow, Death of Superman was two decades ago. I miss that character. Not really digging the New 52 version.
Sept. 24. Tired of staring at the monitor. Daydreaming of beaches and buffets. Thinking of money.
Sept. 28. As someone who was never one of the "cool" kids, I related to the drama of "Perks of Being a Wallflower." Parts of the film made this grown man cry. School was depressing half the time, but it's also where I found great friends, true loves, and most of all, myself. And the music that kept me company all those years ago periodically provided an escape, like I was part of something truly special.

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