Disney’s new animated flick “Frozen” has two new princesses,
siblings Elsa and Anna, whose close bond suddenly ends after the former’s ice
powers accidentally causes a terrible injury.
You see, Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel), is a cryokinetic, a
misunderstood mutant, if you will; she can create ice sculptures and sentient
snow creatures, but has little control over them at first. Now literally and
figuratively cold, she keeps herself hidden from prying eyes, including her
adoring sister’s, lest she hurt them with her elemental gift.
In true Disney fashion, Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell) is the
spunky, outgoing girl; she’s spontaneous but naïve, which presents its own problems
come Elsa’s coronation as queen. And like in other Disney flicks, an assortment
of characters becomes involved in the sisters’ grand adventure, which has its
intriguing and enjoyable twists and turns.
Menzel gives Queen Elsa just the aptly soaring and emotive vocal
range, also a fitting metaphor for restraint and power in a seemingly fragile
shell. The character is majestic but unsure, and that’s evident in the
memorable song numbers.
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